Australia - There are approximately 8 business phone listings for unique companies bearing the name Pinney in Australia as of July, 200022.

Canada - There is 1 business phone listing for companies bearing the name Pinney in the phone records of Canada as of September, 199923.

Cayman Islands - There is 1 business phone listing for Pinney in the Cayman Islands as of September, 200057.

Germany - There are no business phone listings for companies bearing the name Pinney in the available phone records of Ireland as of August, 200055.

Ireland - There are no business phone listings for companies bearing the name Pinney in the phone records of Ireland as of September, 199929.

New Zealand - There are no business phone listings for companies bearing the name Pinney in New Zealand as of September, 199921.

United Kingdom - There are 29 business phone listings for companies bearing the name Pinney in the United Kingdom as of August, 200054.

USA - There a total of approximately 49 business phone listings for companies bearing the name Pinney in the USA as of September, 199923.






Copyright © 1999-2005, Keith Pinney. All Rights Reserved. research at pinneyfamily dot org