Charlene Pinney - Charlene provided support and patience
while this site was being developed. She also contributed quality feedback for
functionality and simplicity as well as detailed editing. Raymond Smith - Ray spent hours tinkering and developing pieces for this site. Much advice and expertise was provided gratis. Steven Beckler - Mr. Beckler provided a quality genealogy site for his families that inspired and encouraged the making of the Pinney Surname Resource. Much thanks for a site that provided adequate references, an honest disclaimer and the permission to refer to your information. Pat Lavato - Pat provided some information about the origin of the surname, advice on where to look in a jam and general encouragement. Pat has also shared her own Pinney research. Raymond Berthou - Mr. Berthou offers a great deal of help with Java and its development. Thanks for the assistance. Gene Stark - Mr. Stark has provided the Internet genealogy community with an invaluable tool for collaboration through his database. He has also provided some quality tools for converting Gedcom files to html files that can be used as shareware and should be purchased using the address indicated on his site. The Gilbert Post - The Gilbert Post has written a Java applet that is indispensable for the average web developer called SiteSearcher. This copyrighted utility is distributed freely in exchange for giving The Gilbert Post appropriate credit. The Post is an independent student newspaper at Gilbert High School in Gilbert, Iowa. The Surname Web Team - This group of genealogy innovators has set up a standard for sharing information about family names that is truly inspiring to the beginner as well as to the old-hand with family history. Their site, The Surname Web, provided the idea behind this site. Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet - A sincere thanks goes to Cyndi Howells of Cyndi's List fame, for the extensive genealogy resource list on the Internet. Audrey Pinney Vasoll - Audrey has offered a variety of assistance in the search for references and background on the North American Pinneys. Audrey also generously shared a document referring to the origin of the Pinney surname and some examples of the family in Britain and North America. Susan Grimshaw - Susan is a truly dedicated researcher primarily of the Helmes / Elmes families, but has given a truly extraordinary part of her time and resources to share her research of Pinney families. Her generosity has filled in many holes in my own information. Clark Pickens - Mr. Pickens has submitted a number of Pinneys who were active in the Revolutionary War and regularly contributes information to Pinney message boards. Carol Pinney Allen - Ms. Allen has a wealth of Pinney data and generously provided written and e-mail correspondence in order to share this information. My Mother and Father - They both encouraged me to develop an interest in learning just about everything. This site represents one of those many interests. Thanks for all of your help that often went unappreciated. Earl P. Crandall - Earl has a web site with a large volume of family history information as well and some meticulous references to his sources. Earl was kind enough to allow me to use his data while citing and double checking his sources.
Copyright © 1999-2005, Keith Pinney. All Rights Reserved. research at pinneyfamily dot org |