Revolutionary War
Butler Pinney73 from Connecticut, applied for
a Revolutionary War Pension with application number R8095.
Isaac Pinney73 a Corporal from Vermont was
also a Sergeant in the Connecticut Line, 2nd Connecticut Regiment. A pension application
was processed in his name, S14169. A pension application for his widow, Mary of Vermont
was processed in his name, W26971. Isaacs pension was stricken from the roll an then
subsequently restored by a Special Act on 31 May 183074.
Jonathan Pinney74
from Connecticut was a Sergeant in the Connecticut Line.
Jonathan Pinney73 served in the Connecticut Line
and a pension application for his widow, Martha was processed in his name W4766.
Jonathan Pinney73 served in the Connecticut Line
and a pension application for his widow, Susannah was processed in his name.
Lemuel Pinney73 served in the Connecticut Line
and a pension application was processed in his name, S17020.
Nathaniel Pinney73 from Connecticut was a Private
in the Connecticut Line and died on 29 Aug 1819. A pension application was processed in
his name, S3622874.
Philaster Pinney73 from New York was a Private in
the Connecticut Line, 4th Connecticut Regiment. A pension application was processed in his
name, S4385774.
Copyright © 1999-2005, Keith Pinney. All Rights Reserved. research at pinneyfamily dot org |