Antigua & Barbuda - There are 2 residential phone
listings for Pinneys in Antigua & Barbuda as of September, 200057. Australia - There are 135 residential phone listings for Pinneys in Australia as of July, 200022. Canada - There are 53 listings for Pinneys in the residential phone records of Canada as of July, 200023. Cayman Islands - There is 1 residential phone listing for Pinney in the Cayman Islands as of September, 200057. Germany - There are 3 listings for Pinneys in the residential phone records of Germany as of August, 200055. Ireland - There is only 1 listing for a Pinney in the residential phone records of Ireland as of September, 199929. New Zealand - There are 3 residential phone listings for Pinneys in New Zealand as of March, 200021. St. Kitts & Nevis - There are 17 residential phone listings for Pinneys in St. Kitts & Nevis as of September, 200057. United Kingdom - There are 101 residential phone listings for Pinneys in the United Kingdom. as of September, 200054. USA - There a total of approximately 1251 residential phone listings for Pinneys in the USA as of September, 200023. USA - AL - There are 6 residential phone listings for Pinneys in Alabama, USA as of June, 200123. USA - AK - There are 3 residential phone listings for Pinneys in Alaska, USA as of June, 200123. USA - AZ - There are 34 residential phone listings for Pinneys in Arizona, USA as of June, 200123. USA - AR - There are 8 residential phone listings for Pinneys in Arkansas, USA as of June, 200123. USA - CA - There are approximately 194 residential phone listings for Pinneys in California, USA as of March, 200019. USA - CO - There are approximately 31 residential phone listings for Pinneys in Colorado, USA as of March, 200019. USA - CT - There are approximately 76 residential phone listings for Pinneys in Connecticut, USA as of August, 199919. USA - IN - There are 33 residential phone listings for Pinneys in Indiana, USA as of June, 200123. USA - MN - There are approximately 21 residential phone listings for Pinneys in Minnesota, USA as of March, 200019. USA - OH - There are approximately 112 residential phone listings for Pinneys in Ohio, USA as of March, 200019. USA - VA - There are approximately 29 residential phone listings for Pinneys in Virginia, USA as of March, 200019. USA - VT - There are approximately 23 residential phone listings for Pinneys in Vermont, USA as of March, 200019. Virgin Islands - There is 1 residential phone listing for Pinney in the British Virgin Islands as of September, 200057.
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